Author: Kristin Wrather

Kristin Wrather is a freelance writer specializing in web content and print. She is a seasoned marketing professional with experience in the ad agency world and loves digging into new topics for her work. When she’s not writing, you can find her testing new dinner party recipes or humming along to 80s hair bands. Kristin and her family live in Columbia.

A Few Muletown Live Music Hotspots

Thursday, September 30, 2021 10:00 AM by Kristin Wrather

These days, you don’t have to leave town to hear great music in Columbia, aka Muletown. We have our own venues and performers, showcasing their musical talents just about every week. From independent
When you visit a new town, one of your main goals should be to check out the local food scene. Here in Columbia, there is no shortage of local restaurants that will fit any taste!

We have family

Maury County is dotted with lovely communities outside of Columbia and each one is sure to catch your eye. One option for the perfect day trip outside of the city is the village of Hampshire.


The Family That Plays Together

Friday, May 21, 2021 10:00 AM by Kristin Wrather

Spring has finally arrived and summer will be here before we know it! This is a great time of year in Columbia with all of the amazing outdoor activities we have available, and what’s better is that
Women Owned Businesses in Columbia

You’ve seen the hashtags on social media: #GirlBoss, #BossBabe, and #GirlsSupportGirls. Basically, women are making it happen today in Columbia, Tennessee. They’re

Women in History: The Athenaeum

Monday, March 8, 2021 7:00 AM by Kristin Wrather

Early Education in Tennessee

The rise of women’s education in Tennessee owes a lot to some radical thinkers of their time. In the early 1800s, the belief that a woman should be educated ceased at the