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Submit an Event
If you would like to post an event on Columbia Main Street’s online calendar, here's what you need to know:
- Entries should be submitted at least 5 days prior to the event.
- Please fill out this form with event name, description, dates, photo and contact information.
- Events must be open to the general public.
- Examples of posted events include festivals, concerts, special shopping events, traveling exhibits/temporary exhibitions, arts-related shows, community and professional performances.
- Entries may not contain language or images that are inappropriate, false, libelous, deceptive, or pertain to illegal activity. No solicitations will be accepted.
- Please fill out this form in order to have your event considered for the online calendar. We will review your submission before posting. If your event cannot be approved, we will let you know.
- Columbia Main Street reserves the right to edit and publish event submissions at their discretion for this website.
Thanks for submitting your event!